Durham House CQC Inspection Reports
Durham House is registered with and inspected by the Care Quality Commission as a Residential Care Home for the Elderly, with a capacity for 31 Elderly Persons with the categorisation of OP and OP DE (E) associated with residents who may require additional care due to greater levels of confusion associated with dementia (DE (E) category).
We are presently the only Residential Care Home within Chester le Street, offering a single level of purely residential care associated with the requirements of progressive old age.
All Care Homes are now required by law to display their scores both on their website and also in the reception area of their Home. Picktree Court and Durham House have both been inspected using the new rules.
Durham House’s, and all other Care Homes, Inspection Reports are available for inspection either at the CQC offices or online at CQC’s website or in reception at Durham House.
Click Here to view the CQC web site showing latest Durham House report
These inspection reports will allow potential residents and families to gain a valuable insight into the facilities provided and level of care applied within Durham House and within each residential care or dual registered care home.
Durham House provides care to both Private Self Funding Individuals and those individuals who gain financial support from the Local Authority. Durham House applies no differential to fee structures between Privately funded residents and those funded by the Local Authority. Fee structures within the Home are dependant on room of choice, and care needs and are completely independent of the source of income.
Premier Care Homes Ltd are contracted with Durham County Council Social Care & Health Department.